Hamilton , Ontario (CA)
Created 3 years ago
Fertility Treatments


by Kristen Howe

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $3,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $0.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$0.00 raised of $3,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Hamilton , Ontario (CA)

Kristen Howe is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Hi there. My name is Kristen and I am looking to start my family!

I’m almost 27 and have been trying to save up the money to do intrauterine insemination or IUI. The cost of the insemination is covered by a government run program but the cost of the sperm is not and I’ve found it to be $1,000 per vial. Unfortunately, not everyone is fortunate to have an extra 1k just sitting in their back pocket so I am reaching out for help.

Now, a bit about myself. As I said, I’m turning 27 and I am born and raised Canadian. I love animals and children. I have a puppy right now who’s 5 months and absolutely adores my aunts 2 year old. They are best buddies so I know he would be amazing with my own child too! I also have 2 cats which I have had one since birth after rescuing the mother, and the other was also a rescue but from my neighbours who severely mistreated her. Today they are almost 2 and 7, happy and healthy little fat balls of fluff.

I also have a very supportive family. My aunt has 4 kids, her oldest just turned 18 a few months ago and has been stuck to me like glue since moving out. Her 14 year old daughter often refers to me as her bestie and even went and bought us matching friendship bracelets a few years ago. The toddler adores me (or maybe he just uses me for my dog haha) and her 16 year old, although quite antisocial, loves to have long conversations about anime and music with me.

I may only have a few supporters but they are very strong supports for me. My mom has been waiting for me to have a baby, as I am her only child. With her, I have helped to raise most of the younger kids in my family. I also have a grandmother who is thrilled to be a great grandma for the first time. My mom was her first child, I am her first grandchild and I hope to give her first great grandchild. My aunt is also super supportive, having a young boy herself and knowing exactly what to expect of tiny children with current experience to help. And her daughters have already started calling themselves my future child’s aunt and have even chosen names and had dreams of the gender (the 18 year old is convinced I will have twins because of TikTok haha).

All in all, I am ready to start my own family. I had lost hope for a while due to some circumstances but I am stable in life with a steady income, a great job, a cozy home and all the support and love I can have and give.

This is my last hope. Anything helps, even if it’s only a couple dollars. Please help me to have my first miracle baby!